501(C)(3) EIN: 88-0610540

About us

At V Secure Future (VSF), we work to secure the future of socioeconomically challenged and marginalized children and youth through education, mentoring, and support services. VSF works against social exclusion and aids in the process of improving the terms of participation in society for people who are disadvantaged and discriminated based on sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, and/or economic status through enhanced opportunities, education, and access to resources. Currently VSF has six schools in Pakistan:

VSF is a qualified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization established in 2022 by a sole managing member, Sana Ullah, who is originally from a small village in Pakistan was able to become successful based on the education he was able to attain.  VSF provides access to education for children and youth who otherwise would not have a traditional educational path due to either having to work to help parents make ends meet or beg on the streets.  VSF is a grassroots organization that addresses the need for children and families affected by extreme socioeconomic constraints and limited resources to have a voice in the community through education.  VSF’s goal is to show that talent, not wealth, dictates a child’s educational destiny.

Our Mission

VSF is dedicated to supplying equitable education opportunities to children in dire socioeconomic status in order to prepare them for the unprecedented challenges of an increasingly technological world.

Extraordinary Experiences

The founder and managing member of VSF, Sana Ullah, was heartbroken by the mass rush of children and parents to his car begging for money or food during a trip to Pakistan. He held his first meeting with the residents of the slums on University Road Karachi to discuss the need for an education to cultivate the skills needed to effect positive change in this most vulnerable community on 26 November 2021. In this meeting, Mr. Ullah spoke with parents who want an education for their children, but felt their socioeconomic status, profession (often street beggars), financial difficulties, lack of self-esteem, lack of trust, and marginalization prevents their children from having the same educational opportunities as children born to middle and upper-class families.  With the commitment from parents to allow their children to go to school, Mr. Ullah decided to build a center to educate their children and committed to partnering with both the children and parents to provide a path to the mainstream of society.

Mr. Ullah was able to build an education center within three weeks of the November meeting with all the necessities and classroom accessories. The school began immediately accepting free student registrations, enrollment, hiring of teachers, support staff and provided free uniforms, shoes, books, workbooks, stationary along with free medical services to all students at first enrollment.

The first class began on 16 December 2021, less than a month after Mr. Ullah’s initial visit.  VSF is proud to report that student enrollment included those from different religious faiths including Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and Christian along with different sects.

Upon seeing the amazing success of the co-education center in the slums on University Road Karachi, Mr. Ullah immediately expanded to three more education centers in other parts of Pakistan, including Mr. Ullah’s hometown of 40MB Joharabad where he began his educational journey that led to Mr. Ullah obtaining his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the United States. 

Our Core Values

VSF has four pillars to provide economic justice through education:

Our Vision

VSF commits itself to help students receive a high-quality education regardless of socioeconomic, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, and national origin.  VSF engages parents to actively support their children’s education by continuously engaging the student’s parents to preserve ample growth opportunities.  VSF strives to ensure education focuses on the whole child including providing free medical access that the students would not otherwise have access. VSF also offers excellent teachers dedicated to equity and inclusivity while providing a nurturing environment. Through the commitment of our donors, VSF will continue the endeavor to open more schools in socioeconomically depressed areas, often slums, to offer a better future for Pakistani children.